
The Faust Project contains 21 paintings and it is a complete illustration of Faust by Goethe. I conceived a project that illustrates the book not with drawings, but with large paintings made in the form of altarpieces painted on wood panels with carved details and doors. The work took several years. Goethe’s poem is very complex in meaning and composition, it was written for several decades and it is extremely difficult to find a meaning that will allow the plan to be realized visually and in a holistic project.
For many people, Faust is a story about the temptation of man by the devil, the love story of Faust and Gretchen and their tragedy. I saw the poem as describing a complex reflexive process and an attempt at psychoanalysis using different methods such as “patient monologue”, “patient-psychologist dialogue”, patient interaction with reality, and patient interaction with allegorical ‘superreality’. The process ends with catharsis and healing (peace). The project was ordered and financially supported by the collector and philanthropist Muly Litvak.